Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bullying disguise for Halloween? Oh, it's a practical joke.

Bullying disguise for Halloween? Oh, it's a practical joke and I thought you were bullying me!

Yes, some people still try use the ‘ joke’ disguise to hide their bullying. It is sad and for some reason people use that ruse to do mean and cruel things to others.

It is one area that seems to stand alone. After the morons who do or say these things to others they stand back and say, aw come on! It was a joke!

But a joke is something that makes people laugh, even the person that the joke is played on. I watch stupid things, one that comes to mind is Jackass type of pranks. But these are played upon people of their own group, people who expect to be pranked. If those same jokes were played upon unsuspecting people they would not be funny, they would be painful, mean and abusive. I am not sure they aren’t to those people involved but they all seem to laugh and ask for more.

But how about how we treat others. Practical jokes indeed… a practical joke of pulling someone’s chair out from under them… seems funny but what if that person fell and got injured? Then not so funny. What about the report from KTLA News in Mississippi about the autistic kid who wanted to take  ALS Ice Bucket challenge and ‘friends’ dumped urine, spit and cigarettes on him instead.


Here is the test… if the same thing were done to you that you are going to do to someone else, would you think it was funny? Would you want it done to you? Would you feel humiliated? Upset? Angry? Dejected?

If so, then why would you do it to anyone else?

Practical jokes are great things as long as they don’t ridicule, abuse or demean the person you are pranking.

If they do, then you are just bullying someone to make yourself feel smarter or better. And for you, I truly feel sad. You are not the kind of person most of us would like to be around and I am willing to bet you are not a positive thinker or even very happy in your heart.

I am Steve Sapato and I believe our lives are meant to encourage and help each other. And I teach this through my course on Mental Prosperity via my blog at 

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